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Posted: 2004-06-24

Some Will Marry in a Godly Move,
Orchestrated by The Spirit

From:Bridget Fizer

(Blue bold = Quick-Read)

     The Spirit will begin to solidify moves that He began in 2001.  Mind you, these are anointings that will be opened and received by those who are "pressing" into it.  These are some doors that will be open within the realms of the Spirit!

ANOINTING ON THE FAMILY (Repositioning, Order, Destiny)

     1. A repositioning of families in ministry.  An apostolic/prophetic outbreak will begin to happen within the homes of believers.  The Spirit will begin to move on the children and a family ministry anointing will begin to be revealed.  An anointing to ordain husbands and wives will begin to be seen more now than it has been in the past.  There will be an awesome shift in the Spirit for husbands and wives who are diligently seeking the perfect will of God in their lives.  This will happen when both agree with God's process and where He desires to take them.  This is the time for fervent, heartfelt, seeking of the purposes of God.

Even in the lives of singles, there will be a shift in their personal lives.  Some will be married in a godly move, orchestrated by the Spirit, and others will be pleasing to the Father in the single state they are in at the moment.  God, however, is testing the maturity and the motives of single men and women.  Those who have "passed" the test, will have the ability to see the relationship as God sees it, and will have blessed unions.


2. The Body of Christ will see the manifestation of new giftings in the church that are now being "released from their caves". There will be a new zeal and a new fire that they will walk in because they have completed an important phase in their development.  They will not be found on the conference stage only, but in the marketplace, and other social venues. There will be connections in the Spirit and new teams and ministries will be formed from just a "casual trip to the supermarket".  (Miracles and prophetic flows will be experienced with more intensity at these social venues as well).


3.     This is the season of solidifying prophetic relationships.  The covenants of believers in their assignments must be found solid and trustworthy.  These new areas of anointing will come with a "swift shift" [whirlwind], meaning that relationships must be found worthy to continue and hearts must be knitted together with "chords of love."


4.     There will be a resurgence of the Spirit of God that will cause a "removal of certain parameters and traditions" in certain denominations. There will be divine connections of the prophetic and the apostolic anointing within certain, denominational realms, and that connection will cause an influx of prophetic awareness and ignite a stir of the Holy Spirit within denominations that never happened before! There will be some tensions as well, because the Spirit will be "pulling those who have believed" away from the mindset that made the denominations a "power". Leadership that will receive the next level of the Spirit will then allow the Holy Ghost to reconstruct the fellowships.

NOTE: There will changes in even the "non-denominational denominations" as well. God is infiltrating certain fellowships with truth, one that will cause an "uneasiness" in comfort and acceptance of men. "To those" that believe, there will be great blessings. To those who do not, there will be a crumbling, brick by brick, and piece by piece!

Word to churches connected to Freemasonry

Churches that choose to remain connected to "freemasonry and eastern stars" will began a decay that will not stop, unless a change of foundation is embraced. There will be a death of those churches and it's people unless they receive the Life Word of God and change. With God, "nothing is impossible."


5. The "light" will be shifted for some ministers that were high in the public view. There will be more "exposure" of failures in the lives of these individuals. But all will not be lost. There will be new fathering and accountability for certain ministers in the Body of Christ. There will be true friendship and a new area of anointing for "some" of these ministries who built works on charisma instead of character and commission. However, some will fall and never rise again. Some will choose to stay away, and some will be "reassigned."

There will be the normal activities of the world that effect our peace. But God is not moved by those things and He will move the earth in His direction.

Have a resurgent 2002 and do what you are supposed to do!

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