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Posted: 2004-06-27


Don Franklin





You Have A Personal Covenant With The Almighty

(Blue bold = Quick-Read / Editor's emphasis)

     There will not be, there will not be competition.  There will not be one above the other ["It's not going to be the one of you or the other of you, it's going to be you together" - editor].  There will not be any feelings of "They got more than I did; I got more than they did."  There's going to be a melting of the mantles together, saith the Lord.  And you're going to see a teamwork and a cohesion, and there's even going to be a transfer of abilities between the two of you.

     God says, "I'm going to yoke you together in the Holy Ghost, in the Spirit.  There's going to be an exchange of abilities and it's going to double the effect that you two have on the kingdom of God.  I've granted a doubling of your effect.  Intercession [
declaring and decreeing, "the long-requested 'quadruple anointing'" - editor] has gone up.  I've heard your cries and I'm going to do something special ["God is doing something really really different." - editor].  I'm going to create something special for the both of you.  There is going to be a symbiotic relationship; a generator is going to kick in.  One can put a thousand, but you're going to see your ministries jump up to ten thousand, because you two are coming together as one in the spirit.

     It's a mystery.  You will not even comprehend it with your carnal mind.  You are going to see in the coming days what I'm telling you today is truth.  You're going to see an increase in your abilities and your effect upon the world.  You two will affect this world [
" . . . it's going to rock your world"
- editor].  If you believe that, you will achieve that.  You are going to affect this world [" . . . it's going to be a very significant time . . ." - editor].  And you say, 'But how, Lord." I'm telling you with one tape, with one video, with one song I can change a nation!  When "Where there is Faith" (1991) came out, it electrified the military in this nation from 4Him.

     I'm telling you, I can use your abilities in the media [
". . . God will use all your abilities from your past" -BB  - editor].  I'm going to bring forth teaching mantles out of you [". . . you know there is a teaching anointing." -GB  - editor]; I'm going to bring forth wisdom out of you [". . . begin to disciple others in that same wisdom that God has given you . . . and teach them . . ." -GB  - editor].  You're going to be a celebrated servant of God.  Your power and intercession is going to go around this planet.  I'm going to use you.  I'm going to yoke you.  Together you are going to have an effect upon the kingdom of God.

     You don't have to make it happen.  What I'm trying to do is make you aware of what's coming so that you'll have an excitement in your spirit; you'll have a tingle in your step.  These are my plans for you, so they will come to pass if you will walk with me, whether anyone else rises or falls; it doesn't matter.  I've made a covenant with you two.  You have a personal covenant with the Almighty.  You are complete individual servants with God who have a covenant with the Almighty.  Develop your covenant relationship with me.

     I'm going to bless you.  I'm telling you of what's coming down the road.  I want you to grab unto it and begin to believe it; begin to prophesy it; begin to speak it out [
declaring and decreeing  - editor].  Tell yourself; speak it out loud in your kitchen when you're walking with those children, 'I'm a woman of God. I'm going to reach the nations.  I'm going to go forward for my God.  I am not my mother's daughter.  I am an individual before God.  God's made a covenant with me.  I have a responsibility and a call before the Almighty and I'm going to fulfill it."

     I want you to tell yourself that, because your mind is lying to you.  Your mind is telling you, 'You're nothing; you are nobody; you are going to fail; you'll never make it.' Your mind is a lie.  The Word of the Lord is true.  Feed yourself the word of the Lord.  Pretty soon your mind will begin to believe what your spirit already knows: that you are powerful servants of God and you're going to have destiny and you're going to affect this planet!  Believe the truth and you will see it energize and empower your life.

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