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[Posted 2004-07-14



Patsy Shelton

(Blue bold = Quick-Read)

            There is great rejoicing in the heavens, for what I am about to bring about for My people — even promotions that have long been waited for, and dreams that have seemed to be lost forever.  I tell you that this is My time of opening the heavens, and pouring out all that you have stood and believed Me for.  Not, it will not tarry but it shall come forth now.

            My people are going to be amazed, and astounded as I pour out abundance in every area of need, and even in the area of desires. 
For even the desires of your heart I have placed there, so I am bound by My word to cause them to manifest in the physical realm.

            I will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that you have hoped or imagined.  I will far exceed your expectations.  So, believe me for more.  Believe me for bigger things.  That will allow Me to broaden your borders.  You have been faithful with the little, and now I will give you much.

            Your barns will be filled with plenty, you vats will overflow with new wine.  For you are living in the Promised Land, or the land of promise.  That place where all that I have promised to you will now be yours.  You have stood against the giants that were in the land, and you have overcome them by the word of your testimony, and the blood of the Lamb.

            Now, nothing is impossible for you, because nothing is impossible for Me.  Believing is the key. Knowing that you can do nothing, but that I can do anything, and everything.  Now, the time of testing and trying your faith is over, and as I am singing songs of deliverance, My deliverance is coming to you
in every area.

Rejoice, and sing with Me, for your God

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