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Posted 2006_0814 by "Freedom Fighter" - editor

(Bold Blue = personal emphasis through previous prophetic confirmation. -ed.)

These Are The Times You Have Yearned and Prayed For
Bill Burns
August 8, 2006



          It is time to move into the Kingdom, for when you find your kingdom position, you shall enjoy the reality of all that you have read in My word and all that you have experienced. The days of My glory are upon you, and you are changed from glory to glory into My image, says the Lord. These are the times that you have yearned for and prayed for. When the reality of My kingdom becomes a fact in your life, you will experience the joy and peace of the kingdom, and victory will be manifest. Arise and come forth. Make the transition between the old and the new. It is My good pleasure to usher you into the reality of the Kingdom. I delight in you, says the Lord, and My delight is to have you experience that which has been prepared for you. Come forth and abide in the glory of this hour. You have received a foretaste, but now taste and see that which I do, and be satisfied.