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by guest contributor
Glenn Jackson

Many "glorious connections" are being brought together in these days—connections formed and ordained by the Father, Himself.  These relationships [both individuals and ministries] shall continue to grow in the Father's love with each passing day and the great love that passes between all those involved will become a tremendous [and important] sign and wonder to many in the Body of Christ.  These divine relationships and connections with others whose heart is wholly given to the highest purposes of the Father are the type of glorious blessing that "overtakes" those who have come through the trials and tribulations of the wilderness successfully in their faithfulness and obedience to the will of the Father.  I would most certainly continue to exhort everyone who truly loves and desires to serve God to push on through to the "other side" [Hebrews 6:11-15] - KNOWING that what He has for them EXCEEDS SUPERABUNDANTLY beyond all that they could possibly ask or think [Ephesians 3:20-21].

Again, the Father has been making many key connections with a view to establishing the "forerunners" and for the perfect preparation of those things that are about to manifest in the physical realm concerning the establishment of a "spotless and unblemished" Church.  Even though much of this work "seems" to have been done in the place of "obscurity" the end result shall now begin to be gloriously revealed.  In these days, there will be an acceleration in this area of "glorious connections" for the Father is about to connect those who have been [and are being] established in the center of His Will with "certain" others that He has ordained, and this will produce an "explosion" throughout the Body of Christ [both spiritually and financially] heretofore unseen!

This process of "multiplication" in the midst of those who are abiding [dwelling] in the Kingdom will cause the Glory of God to be released to a continually greater degree throughout the remnant Church in every nation.  The "divine [glorious] connections" that have been - and are being - established in these days are ETERNAL, and will bear much fruit for the Church and the Kingdom in our remaining days in this dispensation—and, indeed, throughout eternity.

It is very important for every child of God to understand that in this final hour we will not be found "overcoming" without the "corporate anointing" that is the spontaneous by-product of being joined together with the other kindred spirits that God has ordained us to be connected [affiliated] with.  For in these most glorious days many shall be brought together through a "burning" [active and all-consuming] revelation that is being formed by the Holy Spirit within them and, because of these things, those who truly love God shall move with a "pin-point" accuracy in this matter of not only being joined together but, also, in the establishing of the true spiritual environments that will allow the Holy Spirit to be poured out in the midst of God's people.  So stay tuned [on a daily basis] to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit [through intimate fellowship with the Father and His Word in the "inner chamber"] that you might be "gloriously connected" - according to the highest purposes of the Father concerning the true spiritual positioning [both individually and corporately] that He has called you to.  For, as mentioned earlier, it will be a blessing and empowerment that exceeds superabundantly all that you could have imagined this side of Heaven, itself.—Glenn Jackson, 2009/0517.



(Posted 2009/0802)


Part 1 of 4




        As I was out walking and praying a while back the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit an outline of what the Father desires to speak to His handmaidens and bondservants about. Basically it concerns the connection between "spiritual environments", "glorious connections", "true" accountability, and it also involves the truth and spiritual principles found in the story of Korah's rebellion [Numbers 15:57-16:50]. The importance of this last area is that as the revelation of the Father's will for His people [holiness and the fullness of their precious destiny, in Christ] begins to come forth from the Throne Room through the true apostles and prophets "many" in the church at large [those who still hold to ANY form of self-agenda] will suddenly become greatly offended at the precious and necessary wisdom of God being released. This will cause "certain" children of God [there will be some shocking surprises in this area] to begin to slander and accuse those sent by God - but this will not last long because the judgment of the Father will be absolute on those rebellious and self-exaltive ones, and they shall become a "sign and wonder" from God Himself not to interfere with His holy plan! The overall impression that I received from the Holy Spirit was that there must be a strong warning and exhortation delivered to every handmaiden and bondservant to beware [be aware of-ed] the potential attacks that they face as they step out in obedience in the coming days to minister the "revelation" [wisdom] that they have received in the "inner chamber". One would think at this late date that "most" would be seeking the "revealed" Word of God with ALL of their heart, but such is not the case!





          As I have mentioned frequently before, I am no longer able to think of "anything" or "anyone" apart from "spiritual environments" - and the perfect establishing of them in the lives of all those with whom I have to do. One thing has become abundantly clear to my heart: This "time frame" we have entered into IS the "fullness of time" concerning the Father's plan for the establishment of the "Glorious Church" - and ALL that that includes. Of course, this previous statement means more to those in the Church who are in tune with the Holy Spirit, but it will not be long before [it is already happening in some places] the Glorious Church begins to "wake up" those in the "sleeping church" and, also, begins to impact both Israel - and the rest of the nations to a very great degree. Let us be found ready - for this is truly a time like NO other!


Related Scriptures: Ephesians 1:15-23,  Ephesians 5:27



Part 2 of 4




         Do not think that you are EVER "locked" into anything ["work" or what you may deem an "improper" environment] when it is the Father who has the key to the perfect fulfillment of your life and ministry [destiny in Christ]. This is most certainly a time when the Father is establishing His faithful and obedient children in the perfect spiritual environments. As long as one's heart remains "wholly given" to His highest purposes THEN He cannot fail to bring them into the very place [and with the very people]  they need to be with - in "His" perfect timing. It is very, very important for every last child of God to be found acknowledging Him in "every last detail" of their lives - regardless of where they are - "positionally speaking" - at the present time. It is also important for one to understand that the "tough" or "seemingly" wrong "environment" that they find themselves in is just simply "perfect preparation" for the glorious tasks that the Father has prepared for them - between now and the end of the Church age - and so, in reality, it IS the "perfect spiritual environment" for this time.





          When one is truly "abiding" in that place of perfect trust in the Father and His Word THEN - regardless of how horrendous one's circumstances might be or "seem" - the peace that passes ALL understanding becomes the "overriding" factor in that one "overcoming". It is this "peace that [sur]passes ALL understanding [especially our "own"!] that is the perfect catalyst to keep us in that place of the true and full acknowledgement of the Father and His Word. As these ones are found faithful they shall soon be released into the fullness of the Kingdom-work and position to which they are called - having been "fully trained" in the "hard and dry places". One might "think" that IF they were in what "they" considered the "perfect" spiritual environment that they would THEN surely acknowledge God in ALL of their ways - BUT SUCH IS NOT THE CASE! If one "refuses" [declines] to acknowledge the Father in ALL of their ways in the "hard place" THEN they shall surely refuse to acknowledge Him anywhere else - and, in fact - because of that one's steadfast adherence to "hold part back" from God through a subtle - but dangerous - root of pride [rebellion] - they will not even be able to discern what the "fullness" of the Father's will is concerning their "true positioning" in the Church and the Kingdom. Rejoice in the fact that you are being perfectly prepared for ALL that which is now beginning to overtake His faithful and obedient ones - for the things which are now, shall soon be no more! Simply be obedient in the circumstances you are now in - regardless of what they are - and "suddenly" the Father will establish you in the perfect place He has for you to fulfill all that He has called you to - and again, in "His" perfect timing.


Related Scriptures: Luke 16:10;  Proverbs 3:5-6   Philippians 4:4-8  



Part 3 of 4




          First of all it is very, very important for every child of God to do what it takes - even in a small way - to get yourself to a place of a more constant "quiet" in these days. It may mean turning off the television for awhile. It may mean going out for short walks - believe me walking was what really helped me "survive" Satan's constant attacks in the time I truly made the decision to serve God. Being a little more active "physically" [as well as spiritually] helps a great deal in this matter of bringing our thought-life under control [bringing EVERY thought captive to the revelation that the Holy Spirit has revealed to our heart! We can literally be what one could term a "sitting duck" for the Evil One's attacks when we "allow" ourselves to enshrouded by a cloud of depression - a cloud of depression and lethargy that will surely come if we do not continually seek the proper "spiritual environment" that the Father has for us each day in the "inner chamber" [whatever that might mean to each individual child of God]. What is very important for EVERY child of God, in this most critical hour, is to gain a deep and abiding revelation of just how much the Father loves you and, secondly, that He has a MOST GLORIOUS plan for your life in our remaining time in this dispensation. I would like to be able to put into words just how glorious the coming days will be for all those whose hearts are "wholly given" to the Father and His Word. Just the fact that the Devil is going to such great lengths to confuse you, in an attempt to keep you under a form of condemnation proves that God SURELY has some very special things planned for you in the glorious days ahead.





          In these days, I see "positioning in the proper spiritual environment" [both individually and corporately] to be the first and foremost thing on the Father's heart concerning His faithful and obedient ones. For many, this will mean great upheaval [both emotionally and locationally]. For others it will be a simple and smooth transition because of the faith and patience [constant love and righteousness] they have shown in seeking first the Kingdom at all cost to themselves - through many years and many trials [Isaiah 26:7a]. As these "true" spiritual environments grow in "numbers" [both individual locations and the number of people within - and, also, the "fusing" together by the Holy Spirit of "certain" glorious fellowships throughout the earth] the "one accord" [true unity in Christ] in their midst shall cause the "unadulterated" [unhindered and untainted] power [life, light, love, truth, knowledge and wisdom] of God to "multiply" to such a degree that it will literally "explode" [begin to be poured forth in "torrents"] out into the earth! It is precisely for this reason that we must steadfastly set ourselves to be a people who "abide" in the Spirit of wisdom and revelation - for it is ONLY in this way that we shall be able to even begin to comprehend both the magnificence and magnitude of the Father's plan for both the establishment and "outworking" of the Glorious Church - and our part in it in this most glorious hour. 

Related Scriptures:  Psalms 133:1-3;   John 7:38;  2 Corinthians 10:5;  Isaiah 11:9;  Ephesians 1:17-23;



Part 4 of 4




          In the ultimate environment [both individually and corporately] that He has for each one of His faithful children there will be no "busy-ness" - only rest; no stress - only peace; and no "contention" - only love". These "environments" or "spiritual atmospheres" that the Father shall create as His children continually "acknowledge" Him in ALL of their ways shall be found to be necessary in order for them to fulfill every last bit of His wondrous plan for their lives and ministries. There is coming a time - even now - when the faithful and obedient children of God will not have to "look back" on the past times of separation [for there is NO "separation" in the Kingdom of God] that many of them experienced as they were being perfectly prepared by the Father for the "glorious position" that He has given to them concerning His Kingdom-work. In the "fullness of time" - as the Glorious Church truly begins to "take legs" - all of these things will become "crystal clear" to every heart that is "wholly given" to the highest purposes of the Father. The one great positive aspect of the "physical separation" that has sometimes been the case in the lives of the handmaidens and bondservants [in some cases many years] is that it has taken some consistent faith on their part to hold fast the vision [revelation] with a view to its perfect fulfillment [editor's emphasis]- and that of course is in no way a bad thing!





          Many in the Body of Christ are "beginning" to come into an understanding of the importance of gaining a revelation of the necessity of "true spiritual environments" - a revelation that is now being released from the Throne Room to a greater degree with each passing day. This message is reaching [in and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit] vast multitudes of people who have - UP UNTIL NOW - been blinded to the "spiritual realities" that are even now beginning to overtake those whose hearts are wholly given to the Father and His Word. Time is closing in fast on those who have "allowed" themselves to be bound by darkness  - and all those who are "uninitiated" to the realities of the Kingdom, through a sustained stubbornness and rebellion. Thus, it is very important that each and every believer take those "final steps" [make any "minor adjustments" that are necessary] in this most critical hour towards an absolute [perfect] consecration - for soon the "window of opportunity" shall close, and even though these ones shall not lose their eternal salvation [I am talking about those who are "born again"] they shall most certainly forfeit the glorious "Kingdom" position and work that the Father has planned for them from before the foundations of the earth! Let us be those who are found seeking first the Kingdom in these days! For truly it is a time like NO OTHER in the history of mankind, and it is certain that the path of the righteous will be like the light of dawn, that shines brighter and brighter until the fullness of the Father's purpose is accomplished [Proverbs 4:18].

Related Scriptures:  Habakkuk 2:2-4;  Luke 10:27; Isaiah 60:1-3;




Glenn Jackson, 2009/0524


             ...."So David departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam; and when his brothers and all his father's household heard of it, they went down there to him. Everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was discontented gathered to him; and he became captain over them. Now there were about four hundred men with him".... 1 Samuel 22:1-2 NASB


I would strongly exhort all those of you who have been "in the cave" and, thus, "seemingly" estranged from the "fellowship" with other "kindred" spirits that you know "are on the way" to hold fast to the vision [revelation - dream] God has given you. It will not be long before the Father brings forth those particular and special ones for the purpose of establishing all that He desires to establish in these days. But you MUST continue to fellowship first and foremost with the Father - KNOWING [having a revelation] that He is faithful to bring forth the necessary provision in His perfect timing. It will be well worth the wait - believe me!


The Father gave me a particular word many years ago stating that He would surround me with some of the finest people in the earth and I have most certainly not been disappointed in these days as He has moved - and continues to move - very powerfully in that regard.  The Father has instructed me in the past to write much concerning the establishment of "glorious connections" in this final hour, and He has truly confirmed the words He gave me in my own life in a way that is very much in the realm of "exceeding abundantly beyond the exceeding abundantly"! I know that He will do the very same thing - in His perfect timing - for all those who are wholly given to His most holy purpose and plan for their lives and ministries. So do not doubt - even for a moment - His faithfulness towards you concerning these things. He will in no way let you down.


The most important thing for every believer is for them to come into close relationship with the Father - for from that place of fellowship in the "inner chamber" He can do anything "HE" desires to do. In this time, it is my fervent and earnest prayer that each and every member of the Body of Christ begin to see themselves ONLY through the Father's eyes [for He sees us as already "IN" Christ]. The anointing and calling upon your life is a very remarkable thing, and this will most certainly be borne out in our remaining time in this dispensation as the remnant Church enters into the fullness of her precious destiny, in Christ.





Glenn Jackson, 2009/1121

        For one to fulfill the ministry that they have been called to in Christ they are, ultimately, going to have to come into the true spiritual environment [both individually and corporately] that the Father has ordained for them. If one has not yet entered into the "ultimate" spiritual environment [corporately] that the Father has ordained for them in the fullness of time - and, they still remain in a position wherein there are "outside forces" continually attempting to control them [through fear and intimidation] - the onus is still on that individual believer to enter daily into fellowship with the Father and His Word [in the "inner chamber"] in the midst of that "outward" environment - standing in faith, seeking to walk in love at ALL times, and continually doing whatever is necessary to remain strong spiritually. Faithfulness in the diligent pursuit of holiness is exactly what it takes [WITHOUT EXCEPTION] for one in an environment of fear and control to remain on the "narrow path" [and, thus, hold fast the vision {revelation} that they have received from the Father in their times of fellowship with Him] in spite of continual demonic resistance and assault - a resistance and assault aimed at keeping that one from entering into the fullness of their calling and authority in Christ.



        As that one who is wholly given to the purposes of God "maintains" the love walk THEN, ultimately [should the party - or parties if it is a corporate setting - not repent], in the fullness of time they [the one truly seeking God] shall be removed "supernaturally" by the Holy Spirit, and placed in the proper spiritual positioning necessary for them to enter into the fullness of their Kingdom-position. There is absolutely no doubt that we are going to see a flurry of activity [movement] in the midst of God's people in this hour - as all those whose hearts are wholly given to God experience whatever changes in their environment are necessary for them to enter into the fullness of Kingdom-living [true corporate anointing] - and, thus, the true service and ministry that they are called to in Christ.





Glenn Jackson, 2009/1212
(posted 2009/1218)

        All things in this hour must be established in Christ - through the continual flow of God's Grace [divine empowerment] into one's life and ministry. Again, in this most critical hour, as the Glorious Church begins to move forth, it is certain that there is NO room for anything [or anyone] in one's life and ministry that has been established apart from Christ. The Word [Will] of God is absolute, and our God is not the author of ANY form of confusion or disorder but rather He is a God of perfect clarity, and desires each and every one of His precious children to walk by revelation - with a view to them entering into their true Kingdom-position and, thus, fulfilling the fullness of all that they were created for, in Christ. It is this "abiding" in revelation that conforms one to the will of God [both individually and corporately] - thereby producing the supernatural one accord and true unity that is the essence of ALL true Kingdom service. In the "wilderness years" it seemed as though we learned from "disobedience to disobedience" but it is certain that those who continued on with God found that it is a far better thing for one to learn through a steadfast obedience rather than a wilful disobedience [fear, pride and rebellion]. In these days, those who are truly faithful to the will of God shall begin to take giant steps in the spirit and, in the process, they will truly be conformed to the image of Christ and enter into a complete dependence upon the anointing that abides within - thus, partaking of the fullness of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This will allow the Holy Spirit to move forth through them without measure - accomplishing exactly what needs to be accomplished in any given moment, according to the highest purpose of the Father. That which I have just written describes the essence of the Glorious Church and, therefore, from these things one can begin to see clearly the immediate and powerful impact that a remnant [holy] Church filled with the Holy Spirit to overflowing will have in this mo


        It is the Father's desire for each one of His children to diligently "maintain" [on a daily basis] a perfect relationship with Him in the secret place of His Presence [the "inner chamber"]. And, with a view to establishing His people both spiritually and locationally in this hour, He is going to provide the necessary Kingdom-finances to establish the true spiritual headquarters [both on a personal and corporate ministry level] that are necessary [each situation, of course, being unique]. It is very important for one to gain a revelation of the necessity of these true spiritual headquarters [environments] for in this final hour the Glorious Church - both individually and corporately - will continually work on the principle of spending time in God's presence, being clothed [endued] with power continually from on high and, THEN, going out with pin-point accuracy in obedience to the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit to do mighty exploits for the Kingdom. The failure of God's children to enter into this place of intimate fellowship with the Father and His Word will SURELY manifest in self-effort - and the unrighteous [religious] "works" that are its spontaneous by-product. As was written by the prophet Malachi, we will once again be able to distinguish between that which is truly of God and that which is not - that which is truly of God being the fruit of those who love Him with ALL of their heart [Malachi 3:16-4:3]. These true spiritual headquarters [environments] will be places of "refuge" - both on a personal and corporate level - and in these places the people of God will enter into the fullness of joy and, thus, they will continually go out from a position of perfect strength and empowerment [Nehemiah 8:10] to do the true work of the Kingdom.

Related Scriptures:  John 15:5; Matthew 6:33; Psalm 127:1; Psalm 133:1-3;



Also see, Realignments and Divine Connections Connected For Hundreds Of Years!

Also see, Overview of God's Assembling of His Teams

Also see, The Index of Selected Prophecies relating to this move of God in: The Eagles Nest



(Posted: 2010/0120/1528Z)

       From this moment forth, My beloved ones, there shall be an exponential increase in "divine connections"! -Glenn Jackson

       Upon the "physical manifestation" of the "certain" divine connections, which I have ordained for you in these days, I shall give you some "quality time" together.  And in this time of separation unto Me I shall supernaturally prepare you for all that lies ahead - both individually and corporately!-Glenn Jackson


(Posted: 2010/0127/0230Z)

          "It is now the time of moving [in and by the power of My Spirit] all those who are truly seeking Me into that place where I desire them to be, and I shall bring together My holy apostles and prophets and I shall establish them in the areas from which they shall operate in this final hour.  All those of My children who truly love Me must seek Me diligently in prayer in these days in order that they might come to know the place that I have called them to, and that they might gain a revelation of those whom they are to be "associated" with.  For this matter of true unity [one accord] - and the pure "corporate anointing" that is its spontaneous by-product - is of great importance and, because of this, Satan is attempting to lead many away from the place where I desire them to be.  Let it be clearly understood that I do not have "two" places for My children to be and, truly I say to you, the time is short!  Therefore, let all those who would truly be found serving Me, hearken to the voice of My Spirit for when all have entered their "proper place", they shall see My Glory descend upon them, and they shall go forth in great power and authority to do mighty deeds [exploits] in My name!  This is a time wherein I desire My children to proceed forth [in every word they speak and every action they take] with a holy caution - refusing to move in any way [big or small], until they have received a revelation of My Will in their heart.  In this way, they shall "safeguard" against all of the deceptions of the Evil One.  Truly I say to you, there is not one who, in knowing [having a revelation of] those wondrous things that shall soon come to pass in and through My Glorious Church, would desire to be in the "wrong place".  For I shall open up the heavens and pour forth blessings that shall continually thrill the hearts of My beloved ones!"-Glenn Jackson


10 March 2010

(Posted: 2010/0310/0420Z)

          All those who have been faithful and obedient to the will of God shall SURELY have the deepest and most secret desires of their heart come into "physical manifestation"—and much sooner than they might think.  The Father is coming in a mighty way to deal with the "control spirits" that are keeping His people apart from the fullness of their calling in Christ.  I do not know all the details of this judgment, but I do know that this judgment will be ABSOLUTE - and that spiritual reality, alone, will make this a time like no other!

          Because of these things, there will be a great shift and repositioning in the midst of all those who truly love God and EVERY hindrance shall be "removed" from their path in ways that will leave no doubt as to who the Author was.  This will include certain "relationships" on every level.

          May all those who have maintained "control" over their own lives to ANY degree cry out in a spirit of deep repentance - for in maintaining this control [through fear and pride] they have, in some way, [consciously or unconsciously] maintained control over those in their sphere of existence - and, thus, they have become "stumbling-blocks" to those who whole-heartedly desire to enter into the fullness of their calling and true Kingdom-position, in Christ.  This is a MOST serious situation in the eyes of the Father!  Failure to repent will see that rebellious one removed [one way or another] from their previous sphere of "influence"—without exception!

          So let every child of God be found in a state of constant alertness, keeping themselves in a position that will enable them to be sensitive to the impressions of their heart.  For our success in this most critical hour is tied directly to our ability to hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit as we continually seek [in and by His power] to carry out the Will of the Father with a pin-point accuracy.


(Posted: 2010/0411/0238Z)

                 All of us who are truly seeking God have had people be used by the Enemy in his attempt to discourage and dishearten us in our quest for a continually deeper relationship with the Lord and, in the process, we learn that our relationship with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit MUST have pre-eminence in our lives.  In fact, it is ONLY from this position [of giving pre-eminence to God in ALL things] that we can be true and pure vessels of His love and nature to our other relationships-both in our families and in the church.  It really is not too difficult to discern who our friends are in this hour.  As a matter a fact, it is getting clearer with each passing day as the judgements of God intensify in the midst of His people. There is most certainly a "divine connection" between those whose hearts are "wholly given" to the Will of God while those who hold to ANY form of self-agenda [self-desire] spend all of their time seeking agreement for their "own" plans [through pride and selfishness-and the manipulation and control that is its spontaneous fruit]-and, thus, their heart does not line up with the "definition" [revelation found in the Word] of true Kingdom friendship and relationship.

               It is such an important thing for each and every one of us, as Christians, to allow the Lord to establish who [or what] is in our "inner circle". While we are called to love even our enemies [and those who are used as vessels of persecution and reproach] we are most certainly not called to enter into an ongoing fellowship with them-as that would only serve to affect us negatively.  In this hour, the Holy Spirit is going to reveal those who are trustworthy [faithful] and those who are not-but, of course, regardless of our outer circumstances we must always maintain a "burning" [active] revelation in our heart that Jesus [and the Father] is our first and foremost Friend [John 14:21,23].

               True Kingdom-relationship is such a special thing-and FAR supersedes that which passes for "friendship" or relationship in the world.  In these days, as many divine connections are being established throughout the remnant Church, all those who are truly seeking God will come to experience "relationship" exactly the way it was meant to be experienced, in Christ.  It is a holy thing, a precious thing, in the sight of the Father for His children to dwell in true relationship-and the "one accord" and true unity that is its spontaneous fruit.  As true relationship is established in the midst of all those who truly love God in this hour there will most certainly be an ever-increasing flow of the Father's love between His children - on every level.  This will produce the very atmosphere of Heaven in our midst, and the world will most definitely come to know us as true Christians by the supernatural love that "emanates" from us WHEREVER we are led by the Holy Spirit.

2010_0705:  SMOKESCREEN
(Underlined emphasis -editors)

               There are many, many precious saints who have undergone much attack in this hour - the "tests" and tribulations [persecutions] that arise against those who are truly seeking to carry out the fullness of the Father's Will for their life and ministry.  In this time right now take the steps to ensure that your eyes are both fixed and focused upon the Word of God because I am here to tell you that every situation [financial and otherwise] that you are standing in faith for God to "rectify" will surely come to pass.  This is no time for any of us to "look back" but, rather, in our perfect focus on the "things above", a deep and abiding assurance will continually arise in our heart to sustain us right through to the "finish line" [place of victory] that is just in front of us.  It is from this point that those who have stood in faith against the schemes of the Devil shall not only experience great deliverance [the physical manifestation] from their trials and tribulations but they shall both see and experience the perfect wisdom of their loving Father - Who has been faithful to prepare them perfectly for their entrance into the "fullness" of His plan concerning their life and ministry - regardless of what the Devil attempted to do.
          The main aspect of Satan's attack against all those who have faithfully held to their calling [to the vision that the Father has given them] is to get them to depart from the "love walk" [take offense - move or speak in "self-righteousness", self-vindication etc].  He [Satan] has all of his "eggs in one basket" and if one will forsake everything [contrary to the Word of God] to "maintain" a position of abiding in love - he will be severely devastated.  These "disruptive" activities of the past little while in the lives of many are simply a "smokescreen" to convince them that everything that the Father has prepared is now "out of reach" - which it most certainly is NOT.  In fact, it is the fullness of time [that place wherein the eternal meets the physical] and it is just coming into "view".  So hold fast - you are doing just fine.  You MUST realize that - as a handmaiden/bondservant you are walking in an esteemed position, and Satan will try to pull anything he can to get you to believe a lie in order for you to, in some way, depart from the Will of God for your life and ministry.

               No matter how much Satan and his forces attempt to break loose around us, our task is to simply continue to walk in love - at all cost to ourselves [and particularly our "thought life"] - knowing that the smoke will eventually clear and that we shall always come out way ahead in the end. No weapon formed against those seeking the Will of God can or shall prosper and,  in fact, the schemes of the Evil One are always devastated to the greatest degree when we simply hold to a steadfast endurance [faith - love - obedience].
          The experiences that we have in this life, as Christians [true believers], are ALWAYS synonymous with vast multitudes of others who are serving the Father from the position of a heart "wholly" given.  We are all here for each other in whatever way the Holy Spirit fits each member together.  We are never alone - regardless of what we may go through.  To walk in perfect love and forgiveness - regardless of any and every difficult circumstance we face - is a very worthy ideal indeed! One that we must strive - in and by the Holy Spirit - to attain to in this most glorious hour.


Rather than a time of much activity, It is a time for preparation for the soon coming

(Posted 2010/0812)

Words of prophecy:
      I have made My faithful and obedient [holy] ones [those who abide in Christ] [1 Corinthians 1:30] "assayers" in the midst of My people in this most glorious hour [Jeremiah 6:27]. Holy fire shall pour forth through them in torrents [John 7:38] - exposing all that is apart from Christ in their path. Is is not written, "Behold, I am making My words in your mouth fire and this people wood, and it will consume them [Jeremiah 5:14]. And is it not also written, "For behold, the LORD will come in fire And His chariots like the whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, And His rebuke with flames of fire. For the LORD will execute judgment by fire And by His sword on all flesh, and those slain by the LORD will be many" [Isaiah 66:15-16]. Truly I say to you, this is the hour when ALL idolatry must be forsaken by My children for I will not tolerate the affections of My children being given to another [person or thing] ahead of Me. Again, in this hour, I shall expose ALL things that are apart from Christ in the midst of My people and, because of these things, a holy and reverential fear and awe shall begin to spread like wildfire throughout My church - as this intense judgement goes forth [1 Peter 4:17]. ...Let all those who truly love Me begin to both focus and prepare as never before. Forsake ALL procrastination and disobedience, as both are a strong detriment to one hearing the still, small voice of My Spirit - thus, preventing them from having their life in "divine order" in preparation for entrance into the fullness of their precious Kingdom-position, in Christ. These are the days of My divine unfolding and, truly I say to you, it will not be difficult to discern between those who are "wholly" given to Me and those who are not - for those who are obedient shall increase while those who are disobedient shall decrease. Blessed are those who are faithful to do My Will [those who are loyal] in these days - for I will surely make them a great sign and wonder, and they shall continually do many great exploits for both the Church and the Kingdom [Daniel 11:32].

"assay" - any examination or testing; to show by analysis a certain value or proportion;

       In these days, I shall begin to establish a glorious "foundation" in the midst of all those who truly love Me - a foundation upon which My Glorious Church shall be both built and prepared perfectly for Her remaining days in this dispensation. 

        ...."According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man's work. If any man's work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. If any man's work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire".... 1 Corinthians 3:10-15 NASB
        In these glorious days, everything is about to explode with a view to the perfect unfolding of the Father's plan, and it is certain that many will be very surprised to see that certain people [ministries] are not what they "appear" to be - regardless of what they may have accomplished in the past. This is the time wherein EVERY heart will be uncovered [both the righteously motivated and the unrighteously motivated] and it will be from this place of absolute judgement [1 Peter 4:17] that the Glorious Church shall begin to take legs. It is the deepest thought and intention of the Father's heart for "the house to be builded" and that "the foundations thereof be strongly laid" that He might have the necessary "environment" wherein He is enabled to be ALL that He desires to be in our midst. Rather than this being a time of much activity throughout the remnant Church it is a time of a reverent seeking of the Father and His Word [Jesus] in perfect preparation for being the conduit [or vessel] that "He" desires us to be.  ...There is a rapid acceleration and acclimatization taking place in the midst of all those who truly love God and soon the Father will begin to pour forth - both in, and through, these holy vessels. We must all be ready! We simply have no concept of what the Father can [and will] do when He finally has a people who are abiding in a "true unity and one accord" [through their perfect obedience - faith and love] - but we are about to find out in a very big way!

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